Quick re-cap: January 1975 (it must be January as ‘Flame’ was released in that month and mum and I would unquestionably (don’t even think about it) unquestionably I say – have gone to see it as soon as it opened. In fact, probably straight after she’d treated me to sausage, chips and baked beans in the café across the road in Victoria Station: smashing! Now, seeing as I was only 6 years old at the time, my finely hued critical faculties which I possess today (along with my deep humility dearest reader) were yet to blossom and as a result my favourite scene in ‘Flame’ involved the character Stoker (a.k.a. Noddy-‘It’s Xmaaas’- Holder) having to slam shut a van door twice as it fails to close fully on his first attempt. There you are, now I fully expect you all to rush out and erm, well not exactly rush out more like rush to your laptops or smart phones and order a copy from one of the popular online retailers (no product placement here my friend – all references to Kia-Ora orange juice, Rowntree’s Wine Gums and Butterkist popcorn are merely used for illustrative purposes and are in no way an attempt by me to influence in any way my bloggerees* confectionary purchasing habits). So is that all I have to say on ‘Flame’ I hear you mutter disappointedly at your monitor whilst absent mindedly kicking your cat/dog/rabbit/goldfish/Shetland pony in utter frustration and disgust? (In case anyone from the RSPCA is reading – that was also a joke, blimey, everything I type seems to be getting me into hot water tonight – my fluttering heart can’t take much more you know, I’m fragile). Well actually I’ve re-watched ‘Flame’ since then and I found it to be a gritty, cynical and thoroughly entertaining slice of 70’s rock cinema which is well worth a butchers (if only to see that absolutely hilarious moment with the van door).
If you do ever eat in this particular branch of the aforementioned pasta/pizza chain (no product placement here see) you will be struck by the magnificent grand high ceiling and glass frontage which used to allow light into the cafe above the cinema’s original entrance. What more could any Slade fan want?
Till next we meet, take care and remind me to tell you about ‘Tubby’ at the Biograph.
*Bloggerees - I hereby claim copyright of this term (for what it's worth - which is probably nada).
**Sadly, the entire block on Victoria Street has since been completely demolished to make way for a monolithic Minecraft-like slab of office concrete. (Progress...?)
*Bloggerees - I hereby claim copyright of this term (for what it's worth - which is probably nada).
**Sadly, the entire block on Victoria Street has since been completely demolished to make way for a monolithic Minecraft-like slab of office concrete. (Progress...?)