So, having failed miserably to acquire Diana Rigg’s autograph (last blog entry dear reader, do try and keep up), and having spent far too long hobnobbing with Alastair McGowan I trudged back to my hotel on Leicester Square. On route I completely ignore that fine English thespian Simon Williams, currently playing Sir Humphrey Appleby in Yes, Prime Minister in the West End, who passes me by not once but twice, by the theatre, clearly hoping I will whip out my autograph book and Sharpie and offer them to him. But what Mr Williams doesn’t realise is, this little autograph book of mine is brand new and is yet to garner a single paw print from anyone. And, (no offence Simon) but I wanted my little sky-blue book’s first time to be with someone a bit, well, special. Thinking about it though, Simon might very well have been waiting for Ms Rigg rather than hoping to be recognised, in which case I’m very sorry I didn’t approach you Mr Williams, and I sincerely hope Alastair McGowan didn’t keep you too long (he does go on a bit).
Ditching the unsigned stills of Ms. Rigg from ‘Theatre of Blood’ back at the hotel I proceed with purpose and renewed optimism around the perimeter of the building site that is currently Leicester Square toward the Empire Cinema, home to FrightFest for the next five days. My agenda is simple: to watch fifteen horror films in the next three days and nights; and to get my photo taken with as many celebs as possible along the way. Tonight Matthew I will be a celeb stalking tart. Now when I say celebs I mean primarily people of some note within the horror genre itself, but of course anyone remotely recognisable from further afield will also gain my polite and courteous attention.
Joe Lynch - sober(ish) |
Adam Green, the director of such chuckle some cinematic capers as: ‘Hatchet’ and its startlingly original titled sequel: ‘Hatchet 2’ is presented with a DVD cover from ‘Hatchet’ for scribblation for which he very kindly inscribes: ‘Victor Crowley lives’ and convivially acquiesces to a photographic commemoration with yours truly of this momentous occasion. Huzzah! Two autos in the bag before the Fest has even started!
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Mr Adam Green - jolly chap. |
Now my keen Spidey-sense is scanning the foyer for my next rendezvous; a outstandinglycreative visionary Mexican director / producer who to date has given us such extraordinary works as ‘Cronos’, ‘The Devil’s Backbone’ and ‘Pan’s Labyrinth’ and well I could go on, but seeing as the bugger didn’t show up I won’t waste any more words on this clearly overrated upstart.
Neil Marshall, director of the ferociously fabulous werewolf flick ‘Dog Soldiers’ and ‘The Descent’ (the scariest film about potholing ever) appears in my line of vision, but he’s deep in conversation with his other half, and as I grabbed him for a photo last year I turn instead toward the entrance to Screen 1 and the first film of FrightFest 2011; ‘Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark’ (produced by some relatively unknown Mexican bloke...)
To be continued...
To be continued...