Previously, we were treated to the gloriously gross stereoscopic sight of Jerry O'Connell's character's chewed off penis floating in front of our eyes before being gobbled down and then promptly spat out by a discerning razor-toothed beastie. In Piranha 3DD, we get coitus piranhas interruptus thanks to one deadly fishy swimming against the spawning incoming sperm and exiting through a vagina and latching itself onto an unfortunate chaps love gristle (thereby turning it decidedly grisly). But that's not enough for Piranha 3DD, so he decides to chop it off at the stem. We then double-up with a 3D close-up of a piranha wedged into the backside of one chap whose favourite past time appears to be pleasuring himself with the aid of the suction from the pools outflow pipe.

The piranha themselves hiss, growl and turn menacingly toward the camera as implausibly as you'd expect, but even though they often seem capable of leaping huge distances to lunge into the audiences face they aren't given wings ala James Cameron's Piranha II: Flying Killers – (should’ve remade that in 3D instead of ‘dances with smurfs’ Jim) although that's not to say they aren't evolving in another major way according to the final reveal...
Overall, I have to be honest and say I had a real blast watching 'Piranha 3DD'. Having the advantage of not needing to explain the piranha's existence it wastes little exposition time and gets down to the mayhem right from the off. The 3D photography, despite exhibiting 'ghosting' in certain scenes, really stands out (sorry) during the shock set-pieces and the gimmick seems to be utilised far more than in the previous effort. The gore effects are as cheesy as the film itself, but as cinematic junk food goes it delivers the ketchup (and the buns), slap bang in your face, and for me that's all I want from a movie entitled: Piranha 3DD – so bite me!
***(out of 5*)
Paul Worts