first saw Dario Argento’s TENEBRAE in London at the ABC Edgware Road cinema on
a Saturday afternoon in the mid 80’s. It was double-billed with Nico
Mastorakis’ BLIND DATE (1984), and although I have no recollection whatsoever
of Mastorakis’ offering, I vividly remember the impression Argento’s ultra
slick urban giallo made on me (I was 15). Having previously gorged myself up to
that point on early 80’s slasher-fare such as the likes of the first few FRIDAY
THE 13th instalments, my first experience of an Argento film was a
revelatory culture shock.
But that was then and this is now. Does
TENEBRAE stand the test of time? The answer is an unequivocal yes. In fact, if
I’m pushed, I would go so far as to say it’s my favourite Argento. Back
then in screen 4 at Edgware Road, I was blissfully ignorant to the fact that
TENEBRAE was not the anticipated third instalment of the Three Mothers trilogy
– but instead a return to the non-supernatural giallo (albeit in a
semi-futuristic Rome). A bestselling American novelist, Peter Neal (Anthony
Franciosa) flies to Rome to promote his new mystery novel ‘Tenebrae’. It’s fair
to say the promotional visit doesn’t go according to plan. First the contents
of his hand-luggage are found to have been vandalised and then he is given an
uncomfortable reception from a (previously friendly) female book critic who
charges him with misogyny. Escaping to his rented apartment he finds Detective
Germani (Giuliano Gemma) and his partner waiting to inform him that a woman has
been found murdered with a slit throat and pages from his latest novel stuffed
into her mouth...
first thing that impressed me back then was how brightly lit the murder
set-pieces were. The blood splattered unapologetically and operatically across
white surfaces rather than being frustratingly enshrouded coyly in shadows. (This
also scored the film bonus points when I finally came to view it on low-def VHS
cassette at home).
that was then...and so we now come to Arrow Films’ new steelbook Blu-ray
release with a newly remastered High Definition digital transfer of
the film which is as clinically pin sharp and vibrant as the cut-throat razor
and the profundo rosso gore it unleashes. The legendary Louma
crane one-shot where the camera transverses up, over and down the other side of
a building before resting on the killer breaking in has never looked better or
more impressive (even if completely pointless in a narrative sense).
Being able to view TENEBRAE in High Definition offers
an unparalleled opportunity to properly analyse and appreciate the visual
construct of Argento’s superlative film. As with the previous Arrow release, there is the same accompanying veritable smorgasbord of extras to gorge on once you’ve consumed the film in either its original Italian Mono soundtrack or the English Language dub (featuring Theresa Russell no less). For first time viewers such as myself, I found each extra fascinating and well worth investing time in. Daria Nicolodi gives a refreshingly honest perspective on the making of the film in ‘Screaming Queen!” and author Maitland McDonagh gives an insightful new interview. The commentary by Argento chronicler Alan Jones and Kim Newman is crammed full of nuggets of trivia, gossip and affectionately pithy comments and is arguably worth the price of admission on its own. There’s also a more structured and scholarly commentary by Argento expert Thomas Rostock and a fabulous slice of a live Goblin performance from Glasgow. (There is also an exclusive collector’s booklet which I wasn’t privy to). In short, this is an essential purchase.
***** (out of 5*)
Paul Worts