It is 1982, and there is a very good reason I have brought you here today. The 4 screen ABC Edgware Road of 1982 is very much of the ‘fleapit’ rather than the ‘picture palace’ category – its heyday was back in the late 30’s – but it will always be held dear in my heart. Why dear friend? Well, primarily because on this very day in March 1982, as a mere slip of a lad at only thirteen years young, I was allowed in to see my first ‘X’ certificated horror film.
I was not alone in this daring under-age venture into the unknown. I was accompanied by a 14 year old school friend of quite remarkable stature (and truth be told rather handsome features – I envied him in many ways). I was not too scared to view this particular film alone you understand, it was more for ‘Dutch courage’ in trying to blag my way into age-restricted fare. I can still vividly recall the palm-sweating heart racing moment when I approached the grey-haired lady in the ticket kiosk and asked with a voice as deep as my 13 year old vocal chords could muster: “One for Halloween II please.” The traffic noise from the flyover drowned out her initial response. With an almost resigned sense of disappointment I asked her to repeat the question, sure that the inevitable enquiry as to my age was being (quite rightly) raised. When her reply came back through the glass window it took several delayed seconds for me to process the question: “Have you got anything smaller than ten pounds?”.jpg)
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