With a CV that ranges from Playboy Bunny; Hollywood B-Scream
starlet; journalist; writer; editor; teacher; Satanist(alleged) and filmmaker,
I found there was ‘Much Ado About Something’
when I recently interviewed
Deborah. Visiting London for the very first time to bring us the world premiere of
her film Billy Shakespeare to the Misty Moon Gallery in Ladywell London, I first
decided to go right back to the beginning and ask the film’s director / writer
and self-confessed Shakespeare groupie what she had originally wanted to be as
a little girl when she grew up?
"I wanted to grow up and die so that I could become a
guardian angel and help people. And I wanted to do that for as long as I can
remember and definitely by 4 and 5, and that was my goal as a child. I wanted
to learn enough to be a good enough person that I’d actually help people – you
know to grow up and die and help."Deborah Voorhees, thank you and goodnight... Well, how do you follow an opening answer like that? Apparently this remains her goal to this very day:
“Someone interviewed me recently for a book he was writing and he said: aren’t you nervous now you’re 50 years old, that you might die tomorrow and not succeed in your goals? And I said, well no, not really...”
My next question was misinterpreted for total sarcasm, which, on reflection I can see why, certainly the first part, but I honestly hadn’t bargained on the piercing honesty of her responses when I quipped: “Okay, so you wanted to help people and one of the ways you helped people was by becoming a Playboy Bunny(!) Looking back on that time, presumably you now see it as a very empowering experience for you?” (I actually meant that point in all seriousness, but after she’d stopped giggling at my “total sarcasm” she put me straight about just how un-empowering an experience it was):
“My feet hurt in those high-heels, and when they strapped me in at night – you couldn’t do it alone - you had to bend over and have someone zip you up and you didn’t dare have dinner before being zipped up. I can’t say there was anything empowering about it – it just was – it was something I tried. There were good and bad things about it”
But surely it must have given you more confidence?
“Of course any time I’m feeling insecure about myself I put
my ears and my bunny tail on and I’m good to go!”
(I asked for that really). Deborah Voorhees doesn’t do regret:
“Everything I do in my life is about the experience. At the heart of me I’m a writer, but at that time I didn’t think I had the intelligence. I thought I needed to do something off of my looks to make some money while I could and I didn’t want to have to depend on a man to take care of me.”
So the young Deborah Voorhees’ next stepping stone was acting which included appearing in a number of episodes of 'Dallas', before she came to the attention of director Danny Steinmann who chose her to portray 'Tina' in ‘Friday the 13th Part 5: A New Beginning’. Now eagle eyed readers will have noticed that Deborah shares her surname with a certain fictional hockey-masked mass-murderer from Crystal Lake (not to mention his once equally deadly mother). SPOLIER ALERT. Ironic then that her killer in Part 5 isn’t actually Mr Voorhees at all but rather a paramedic named ‘Roy’ pretending to be Jason. So, in preparation for this interview I re-watched the film after a number of years and whilst it’s not the best of the franchise, it’s by no means the worst.
(I asked for that really). Deborah Voorhees doesn’t do regret:
“Everything I do in my life is about the experience. At the heart of me I’m a writer, but at that time I didn’t think I had the intelligence. I thought I needed to do something off of my looks to make some money while I could and I didn’t want to have to depend on a man to take care of me.”
So the young Deborah Voorhees’ next stepping stone was acting which included appearing in a number of episodes of 'Dallas', before she came to the attention of director Danny Steinmann who chose her to portray 'Tina' in ‘Friday the 13th Part 5: A New Beginning’. Now eagle eyed readers will have noticed that Deborah shares her surname with a certain fictional hockey-masked mass-murderer from Crystal Lake (not to mention his once equally deadly mother). SPOLIER ALERT. Ironic then that her killer in Part 5 isn’t actually Mr Voorhees at all but rather a paramedic named ‘Roy’ pretending to be Jason. So, in preparation for this interview I re-watched the film after a number of years and whilst it’s not the best of the franchise, it’s by no means the worst.

“Danny was good to me, he was gentle. But it was definitely a hard shoot – a 13 hour day and this was my very first day on set. I was very young – it was pretty brutal. I had the blood in my eyes seeping through, burning. I have a robe on between shots but I’m in a place where I don’t know anybody, completely unable to see, fully naked beneath the robe and having to be led to wherever I needed to be."
Who actually killed you? Was it the very charming stuntman Tom Morga or was it an effects man?
“I think his name could’ve been Tom. I do remember when I
looked up it was a sweet guy with red hair, red beard [which doesn’t sound like Tom Morga] looking down at me with a big
smile on his face – honestly I don’t remember his name [if you’re reading this Tom, don’t take it personally] but I do remember
him being very sweet, and I had a hard time not laughing cos he was just ‘hi’!”
So Tina looks up and unleashes an amazing ear-piercing scream
which instantly made me regret watching the film again with headphones on!
“All I can say is I’m very sorry and if you would please send
any lawsuits to Paramount”.
Deborah’s mother did not enjoy seeing her daughter killed on the big screen one little bit however, and literally took to her bed for 3 days after the original screening. The actual murder is quite abstract in that you don’t actually see where those shears end up and it’s only when Eddie returns to the blanket and turns Tina’s body over to reveal her bloodied eye sockets that it becomes apparent.
I assume this was originally a far more graphic scene?
“Oh yeah, we shot tons and tons of footage, they could’ve
had way more than that – it was the ratings system (MPAA)”
I hate the MPAA.“I know, you could’ve watched my eyes being gouged out, seeing the bones break - blood spurt...”
Perhaps it’s just as well for your mum that we didn’t...
“My mommy might’ve still be in bed now bless her heart!”.
Deborah has to date only attended one fan convention since the film first appeared back in 1985. Given the loyalty and genuine affection Friday the 13th fans have for everyone involved in the franchise I wondered why this was?
“The truth of the matter is I’m a big chicken and at the time I thought, ooh people are going to be in big scary outfits and all these big scary things going on.” [Halloween must be an absolute trauma every year on that basis]. “I don’t like scary movies. I’m much better at watching them now than I used to be and I can start watching and appreciating them but I still have to remind myself they’re not real. It’s not scary to be in a scary movie. You know all the people are in costumes. But I’ve never been one to sit down, turn off the lights, lock the doors have a glass of wine and watch a scary movie alone. I have a rule, if anybody wants me to watch a scary movie they also have to commit to holding my hand through it and until at least the morning.”
Now considering The Misty Moon Gallery will also be
screening ‘Friday the 13th Part 5 in honour of Deborah’s visit I was
beginning to wonder whether she was just going to be too plain chicken to actually watch it in the
“I will watch it, but I’d as soon as not. I’ll just try to remember
these are people I knew – but those films are really scary to me. The one movie
that scared the shit out of me that ‘cured’ me of scary movies and made me
never want to watch one again was The Exorcist. [Funny that, Deborah isn’t the first person I’ve interviewed to tell me
that...]. “I watched that and couldn’t sleep for 2 weeks. Scared the holy
crap out of me and I had NO desire to do scary movies again. I have a joke
about that in Billy Shakespeare (and one about the role I played in Friday
the 13th). I also have Linda Blair as a Facebook friend now!”
You should have watched ‘Repossessed’ with Leslie Nielsen first. Ok, so Tina died on that blanket in the woods and when Deborah finally hung up the Bunny costume and wiped the blood off her face she went to college. And she did rather well.
“That’s probably one of things I’m most proud of. When I went to Hollywood I didn’t view myself as intelligent. I was raised from an early age to believe I wasn’t. Whilst I was auditioning I had been taking a course at one of the Valley junior colleges. I studied, I read what I was supposed to, I did my homework, I came to class, but I didn’t sit down and really try and memorise anything. Yet, I was making super easy ‘B’s and high ‘B’s. I sat there one day and I said wait a minute, what would happen if I actually really studied?
Deborah was actually a self-published author at the age of
5: You should have watched ‘Repossessed’ with Leslie Nielsen first. Ok, so Tina died on that blanket in the woods and when Deborah finally hung up the Bunny costume and wiped the blood off her face she went to college. And she did rather well.
“That’s probably one of things I’m most proud of. When I went to Hollywood I didn’t view myself as intelligent. I was raised from an early age to believe I wasn’t. Whilst I was auditioning I had been taking a course at one of the Valley junior colleges. I studied, I read what I was supposed to, I did my homework, I came to class, but I didn’t sit down and really try and memorise anything. Yet, I was making super easy ‘B’s and high ‘B’s. I sat there one day and I said wait a minute, what would happen if I actually really studied?
“I would write books. I’d draw pictures on them, string them together, mark them up as being ‘5 cents’ and sell them on the street corners to cars passing by. So writing had been in me for a long time it just hadn’t been nurtured. So very quietly and nervously, one day I went into the exam room where the English entrance exam was being taken – and I thought; this is my secret dream. I want to go to college, I want an education and I want to write and if I fail I will put my dream away and I will never tell another soul”.
The fact that she is talking about it today tells you she did “quite well – not perfectly, but well enough”. She then moved back to Texas to live with her grandparents and to go back to studying. After a few years of solid studying Deborah finally got the nerve up and took an IQ test:
“I wanted to know whether I was really still stupid, because that was something that was haunting me - Jason is nothing compared to feeling stupid”
Her IQ turned out to be 145 and she graduated in the top 5% of her class. Not bad for a supposedly ‘stupid’ girl. She became a journalist, a profession she adored.
“I could sit down with a human being; they would look at me and trust me with his or her words. As a journalist I didn’t just want to quote what someone said but also what that individual meant.”
[No pressure then I thought at this point in our conversation].
She recalls an interview with a homeless artist who created walking sticks with carved biblical references. She’d eventually tracked him down to a narrow city alley in downtown Dallas. Armed with just a pad and pen - suddenly the guy jumped out of the shadows and pulled a knife on her.
“I said: I’m Deborah Voorhees, I’m with the Dallas Morning News and I’m come to try to interview you’. He looked me in the eye and said: ‘Ah yes, I’d been told you were looking for me. You need to be careful where you walk; someone’s liable to cut you.’ We then sat down and proceeded to have a 3-4 hour interview in the alleyway”.
The next stepping stone evolved into teaching when the newspapers started having to lay off staff and the other City paper folded (no pun intended) wiping out the much needed competition:
“I wanted to pay something back to kids. I could share my story with them”.
Deborah’s Hollywood career comprised less than 10% of her life. She worked for 3 years in Texas as a teacher before someone found out about the ‘boobs’.
“I was firstly ostracised and then kicked out. So I went to New Mexico as I thought no one’s going to recognised me there”.
She lasted a year, and was “thrown out” 3 weeks before her students graduated.
“The irony of it was I pushed my kids, I pushed them hard. I was one of the strictest teachers around! I went to the principal and I said look I understand people are worried about this nudity thing but it’s not as if I’m going to go tell a young girl to go pose nude - not that there’s anything wrong with it – last time I checked babies breast feed, that means they look at our boobs!”
But unfortunately those aforementioned boobs were being texted amongst the boys in stills from ‘Friday the 13th Part 5’. In the end a number of students and parents actually rallied and lobbied the principal and school board to reinstate her: unfortunately to no avail:
“Their support meant a lot to me. I eventually got
permission to go and be in the general crowd at the graduation – I wasn’t
allowed to sit with the teachers. A child called out my name on the football
field after the ceremony. I turned around and saw who it was. He’d given me
absolute hell in class; he threw his arms around me and said I’m so sorry I
never intended to hurt you. So many of those kids I still see – I can walk into
a grocery store and they’ll still come and throw their arms around me.”
It occurs to me that Miss Voorhees was perhaps actually
their 'living' guardian angel while she
was teaching them. Yet at the same time
as being an angel-like inspiration, Deborah was also accused of something
darker than just boob exposure...
According to some you’re also a Satanist...“Yes, on Thursday’s, the Methodist church in my town in the
late evening turns into a Satanist group (ha ha!) No, what actually happened was I taught
Dante’s Inferno, and I was trying to
teach Milton’s Paradise Lost, which incidentally, was approved
at the time by the principal – but of course when the shit went down it wasn’t
approved anymore! We had kids doing
poetry, painting and music; they were producing some amazing things. At one
point I was even told that I was the kind of teacher they could write movies
about – and then they found out about my tits and suddenly I couldn’t teach my
way out of a paper box!”.
She was so upset that her husband said she was even
crying in her sleep. “The principal took control of all the students grade books and changed the grades – upped them. So the students suddenly all got better grades with me gone. And yet they still fought for me”.
I can already see it now – ‘Diary of a Mad School Teacher – in 3D’. It’ll probably be banned in some states mind you...
But that was then and this is now. The once upon a time ‘mad
school teacher’ is in London to present the world premiere of her film’ Billy
Shakespeare’, a modern Shakespearean comedy that spoofs
California’s celluloid City of Angels by seeking to answer the question: What if Shakespeare never lived in the 1500’s
but lived in L.A. today peddling his screenplays?

You’re basically Shakespeare’s groupie aren’t you?
“I am. If he were here in town oh my God I’d be shameful!”
I don’t doubt it for a second. Paul Worts
I am so gratified to have found this interview of someone that I used to talk to in the 80's in Dallas at that famous place on Central Expressway. We used to play bumper pool, and I would pay Debi Sue 50 dollars if she beat me. I thought of all my old buddies back then and I remember talking to Debi about her acting and writing aspirations. It is so thrilling to see what she has achieved. I am definitely a fan and would love to follow her work. Good going Debi Sue.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment Jack. My interview with Deborah is (to date) the most popular post of all the posts on my blog!
Deleteinteresting interview Paul
ReplyDeleteThank you Lord Squid. Still the most popular interview on the site.