Back in the 1980’s, horror film director Julian Barrett (Eric Roberts) helmed three successful instalments of the ‘Summer Camp’ slasher franchise. In an attempt to reboot his now flailing career, Barrett lures a bunch of young adult offenders to take part in a new reality TV show (Dead TV) with the chance to avoid prison and rehab, and a $1 million prize for the last contestant to be ‘eliminated’. Returning to the original location of the ‘Summer Camp’ franchise, and inviting his former scream queen (now newly trained counsellor) Rachel Steele (Felissa Rose), Barrett has installed video cameras throughout the camp grounds. Having wired each contestant with a micro-camera, he informs them that whilst they carry out their (scripted) daily tasks of preparing the camp for summer reopening, they will be ‘killed-off’ one-by-one by an unseen assailant. Once they have encountered the killer they are effectively out of the contest (sort of like a paintball fight if you will) and will have to depart the camp. However, the scripted reality starts to go decidedly off-course as the contestants start to be bumped off for real, and the stakes are raised to life or death.
This is a heavily signposted love letter to SLEEPAWAY CAMP (which itself featured a memorable performance by Felissa Rose and a jaw-dropping ending), and early 80’s summer camp slashers such as FRIDAY THE 13TH and THE BURNING. And whilst it isn’t a patch on any of them, it’s nevertheless reasonably entertaining - doesn’t scrimp on the gore (including one genuinely original death) - and boasts a real surprise ending all of its very own.
script assembles the standard archetypes which have populated every decent
slasher, and whilst they all come across as thoroughly unlikeable individuals
at first, it does become easier to identify with (some of) them as the grisly
proceedings begin to unfurl. Eric Roberts’ is excellent as the puppermaster
director, monitoring his ‘contestants’ through his bank of video screens.
Felissa Rose provides top-notch support as the faded scream queen. Danielle
Harris plays the local sheriff in a welcome variation from her own scream-queen
persona, unfortunately her screen time is limited to two scenes (pivotal though
they maybe) which bookend the beginning and end of the film. She does however
get to deliver some tongue in cheek dialogue such as: “I don’t watch horror
movies...because I think that they suck.”
The practical
make-up effects are over the top and range in quality, but it’s nice to see
Crazy Ralph’s death scene from FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 2 restaged
without MPAA-enforced restraint, and a set-piece murder inspired by the ‘Angry
Birds’ game.Having grown up in London in the 80’s, my only knowledge of summer camp came from watching those body count horror flicks that CAMP DREAD obviously pays homage to. As a result of which, I’d consider any teenager completely insane for even contemplating entering those grounds previously stalked by the likes of ‘Cropsy’, ‘Jason’ or ‘Angela’. However, there’s clearly a commonly held nostalgia for the summer camp slaughter feature, and whilst CAMP DREAD doesn’t tick every box (it’s largely devoid of suspense for one), I still enjoyed my stay in its cabins.
*** (out of 5*)
Paul Worts
(This review was originally published on the FrightFest website.)
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