be honest, I was more than a little disappointed to find upon reading the
film’s brief synopsis that it wasn’t about either wolves or lycanthropes. But
this initial disappointment paled in comparison to the sinking feeling in my
heart when it turned out to be not only wolf-less but a wolf-less found-footage
shaky cam effort.
This however
was not apparent from the opening sequence where we are filled in on the events
which allegedly occurred in 1973 on a desert Indio Indian Reservation. A cult
leader by the (unlikely) name of Ernest Plainsong gathered a group of troubled
teen followers and after claiming he could identify demons disguised as humans
living around the area sent his ‘children’ out to ‘cleanse’ the demons. Bad
enough you’d think. But unfortunately some of his followers then began to claim
that they too had this demon-spotting ability and a further massacre occurred
within the cult itself.
Cut to
the present day and a group of skateboarding obsessed teen males and their
girlfriends drive out into the desert seeking the old abandoned cult leader’s
compound. Why? Because it allegedly boasts a deep pool (presumably drained) which
they want to skate in. Hmmm...
lots of wobbly skateboarding footage, followed by lots of wobbly running
footage; followed by lots more wobbly running and screaming as one by one the
totally disposable and detestable group of friends are possessed by the demonic
spirit residing in the abandoned commune.
did they have microwave ovens in 1973...?
star Jenna Haze makes only a brief appearance (in her briefs – see what I did
there?) before removing her top and smashing an interrogating law man’s head
repeatedly into the table. Frankly she does him a favour for this truly is a
film in which the old tagline: ‘The lucky ones died first’ applies. I just wish
the batteries on the shaky-camcorder had died a lot sooner.
Paul Worts
This review was first published on the FrightFest website.
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